Binoculars and Bird Books available to borrow from Northeastern Minnesota Bird Alliance!
If you or your organization is interested in borrowing binoculars and/or bird books, check out the Northeastern Minnesota Bird Alliance Trunks housed at the Great Lake Aquarium. It’s free and easy to check them out depending on availability. Use the links below to sign out either or both of these great resources:
- Binoculars
- Birding Trunk with books
There are an additional 40 binoculars available for loan directly from Northeastern Minnesota Bird Alliance by contacting: [email protected].
Northeastern Minnesota Bird Alliance Map and Descriptions
Learn about Duluth’s birding Hotspots. Download our free Local Birding Map.
New to Birding?
For starters, visit Bird Watcher’s Digest Get Started Birding page for tips on learning the art of observation and listening. For a slightly more in-depth presentation, visit National Audubon’s How to Begin Birding page.
For help with learning to identify bird species, visit National Audubon’s Online Guide to North American Birds which covers all of North America’s regular br

eeding birds-approximately 580 species – as well as an additional 180 or so non-breeding species that regularly or occasionally visit North America north of Mexico.
To see photographs (and hear calls of) bird species to which National Audubon is devoting special care in protecting, visit their Bird Profiles page. Species on this list include those on Audubon’s WatchList, the top 20 Common Birds in Decline, birds under threat from climate change, birds affected by the Gulf Oil Spill, the top 30 Birds to Help in your neighborhood and the Waterbird Conservation program.
Birding is good for mind, body, and soul, which is why it is a hobby for nearly 50 million Americans. The idea of learning about the hundreds of North American birds
may seem daunting, but if you only learn to recognize one new bird per month, in five years you’ll know sixty new birds!
Where to go Birding in Minnesota Now
Where to go Birding in Minnesota Right Now | Explore Minnesota