Jeff Davis, Duluth Audubon Society President

What do you do for your day job?: I am the pastor at Concordia Lutheran Church in Duluth. I have been there almost five years!
What hobbies or interests do you have outside of birding?: I play basketball nearly every weekday and am a two-time YMCA recreational league champion! I collect and enjoy playing boardgames, including Wingspan, a birding related game. I love visiting National Park sites and traveling.
What was your spark bird?: I first started getting interested in birds in a middle-school environmental education class. I casually set up and observed feeders over the years, but my becoming a “birder” didn’t really take off until my first call in North Dakota. Every Easter, my wife and I would drive around and find ducks at the area potholes. The Northern Shoveler caught my attention and started me down the path of identifying just what I was viewing!
Do you have any destination birding dreams?: Yes! I would love the opportunity to explore southeastern Arizona and the southern Rio Grande valley for birds. Internationally, I am always looking at birding trips to Morocco, Mongolia, and Ecuador. Maybe I’ll start a GoFund me page!
Favorite Bird?: If I have to choose, I guess it would the Blackburnian Warbler.